We GROW books inspired by Life in Nature


Submission Guidelines

We are pleased to accept submissions and review materials that resonate with our mission, vision, values and goals. Our primary areas of interest include children’s literature, fiction and nonfiction, self-help, how-to, poetry, photography and art books that feature Life in Nature.

Review Process

We review manuscripts on a first come, first served basis. This process may take a few weeks depending on our workload. Lemongrass Press does not charge reading or review fees. But rest assured that we will give enough time and attention to each individual submission. Once your manuscript has been carefully reviewed  and evaluated, we will let you know of the publishing options we offer that are suitable for your query.

How to submit

For the Children’s books, Trade Project proposals, Art books, Illustrations and Photography portfolios and Fiction/Non-Fiction manuscripts submissions should meet the following guidelines:


  • PDF Format
  • Double-spaced
  • 12-point font
  • Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier
  • Less than 10MB


  • All submissions must not exceed and should fit in a 10” x 13” envelope.
  • Only submit a copy of your work and not the original 
  • Submitted materials are not returned unless you include a self-addressed and adequate postage stamped envelope.
  • Mail to:

PO BOX 3456

Big Bear City, CA 92314


And should include the following:

  • One page query letter with summary of the book project proposal
  • 10-12 pages of your manuscript
  • Author’s Bio and qualifications
  • Relevant blog or website
  • Intended audience and target market
  • Personal marketing plan after publishing
  • Thoughts and future goals as a published author
  • Email to: submissions@lemongrasspress.com 


What’s next?

Once we receive the manuscript in order, we will email you if it resonates with our mission, vision, values and goals.

It will take at least two to three weeks. We will contact you as soon as we have arrived at a conclusion. 

Thank you for choosing Lemongrass Press and we look forward to working with you.

If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out via email at info@lemongrasspress.com.

We cannot guarantee a response to queries submitted both digital and hardcopy due to the volume of queries received.